
Edit Task: SetTaskResourceDurationOverride


SCHED / EditTask '<TaskName>' SetTaskResourceDurationOverride '<ResourceName>' <DurationOverrideType> <DurationOverrideValue>


The SetTaskResourceDurationOverride attribute under EditTask defines the duration override for the specified resource for all the task's possibilities.


ResourceNameA string of text in single quotes of the resource that is being defined within the command.
DurationOverrideTypeThe parameter options are either 'None', 'FixedDur', or 'EfficiencyFactor'.
  • None: There is no override of a task's defined fixed duration for this task's assignments.
  • FixedDur: If this task uses this resource, then the duration of this task will be overridden to the provided DurationOverrideValue.
  • EfficiencyFactor: If this task uses this resource, then the duration of this task will be overridden by the provided Efficiency Factor. The Efficiency Factor is the denominator in the formula; OverrideDuration = task defined fixed duration/ Efficiency Factor.
DurationOverrideValueA non negative double representing the value for the override field. Either the duration in seconds when using DurationOverrideType = FixedDur or the denominator when using DurationOverrideType = EfficiencyFactor


Set all duration override settings for all possibilities containing ResA in TaskA.

SCHED / EditTask 'TaskA' SetTaskResourceDurationOverride 'ResA' EfficiencyFactor 0.2